Ascension At-a-Glance

On Good Friday, we will not have adoration. Confessions will begin at 11:00 am, until all who are present are heard.


Saturdays: 3:15 PM – 3:45 PM
Sundays: 7:45 AM – 8:15 AM, 9:45 AM – 10:15 AM

Wednesdays: 7:00-7:40 PM

1st Friday of the Month: 4:00-5:00 PM

Fridays during Lent: Noon, until all are heard.

Good Friday: 11:00 AM, until all are heard


Mass Times

Saturdays: 4:00 PM

Sundays: 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM

Mondays: 8:15 AM (Communion Service)

Tuesdays – Fridays: 8:15 AM

Holy Days + Other Liturgies:
Check the latest Bulletin


We pray the rosary 20 minutes before weekend Masses and at 7:45 AM on weekdays.


Wednesdays: 6:30-8:00 PM

Fridays during Lent: 9:00 AM – Noon

1st Friday of the Month during Lent:
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

The forty days of fasting before Easter includes every day of Lent except Sundays, beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Saturday inclusive. Thus, there are forty-six days of Lent (including Good Friday and Holy Saturday), but only forty fast days since Sundays are excluded.
When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are universal days of both fasting and abstinence from eating meat. Abstinence is also observed on all Fridays of Lent.
Catholics age 14 and older are bound to observe abstinence regulations except for serious reasons; Catholics age 18-59 are bound to observe fasting regulations except for serious reasons. For all other weekdays of Lent, the Church encourages fasting, either in the traditional sense or through some other form of self-denial determined by conscience.
Other devotions, such as the Stations of the Cross, the rosary, scripture study, participation in daily Mass, and service to those in need, are strongly recommended. (CCL #1249-1253; USCCB Pastoral Statement on Penance and Abstinence)

Join us every Friday during Lent at 5:30 PM for the Stations of the Cross. This powerful tradition invites us to walk with Jesus in His Passion and deepen our connection to His sacrifice. Together, we’ll reflect on His journey and the love He poured out for us. All are welcome to come and participate in this sacred time of prayer and reflection.

Spring Sports Blessing

Join us for Spring Sports Blessings at all Masses the weekend of March 15-16. This is a routine blessing during Mass for our athletes, coaches, leaders, and administrators as they begin their seasons. We look forward to celebrating with you!

Lenten Speaker Event

Tuesday, 4/8. Time 6:30 PM

Join us for a presentation by Catholic Charities for a deep dive on immigration within the United States. Bolstered by their work in welcoming refugees and providing legal services for newly arrived people in America, Catholic Charities will walk you through the terminology surrounding immigration, the process that people go through in order to gain legal entrance into our country, and much more. The goal of this presentation is to educate on the realities of immigration and citizenship so that we can be more aware of the world around us.

Dates & Times

Drive-Thru – 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Indoor – 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

There will be no Fish Fry on April 4 during Spring Break.


Interested in volunteering? Sign up for a shift or contact Fish Fry Volunteer Coordinator Abby Simon at

March’s Collection

Gaming License #ORG0000031

Presented by:

Pre-sales for the Raffle Booth

Stay Tuned for More Details!

New “Faith” (Working Title) Booth


Current Week in Faith

Current Bulletin

Current Lowdown