Liturgical Ministries

Training for all ministries is provided.


This ministry is open to individuals as well as families.  These misters prepare all the elements before the liturgy. Specific tasks include: preparing the bread and wine and overseeing assigned ministers for the liturgy. Ministers who prepare the elements for Holy Communion before liturgy; counting hosts and preparing wine.

Hospitality Ministers

Ministers who promote an atmosphere of hospitality by welcoming newcomers and friends at church. Specific tasks include help seat people when needed, distribute bulletins, take up collection and straighten church at end of liturgy.

As a Minister of Hospitality/Greeter, you are the voice of welcome and the first person people meet when they come to worship with us and walk among us. Your role as Hospitality Minister is extremely important and is to be taken very seriously as it is based on Christian love, commitment, and service. True hospitality is a hallmark of a community of faith. Duties include: welcoming and assisting at doors; distributing worship materials and bulletins; and assist in distribution and collection of offertory baskets. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet others and it is one of the few liturgical ministries where a family can serve together giving witness of family, faith, and commitment.


Lectors proclaim the word of God by reading the Scripture at the liturgy and the Prayer of the Faithful (when the Deacon is not present).  

Art & Environment

This ministry assists in providing quality liturgical seasonal decoration in order to enhance the worship space.

Ministers of Communion to the Nursing Home

These ministers take communion to residents at Regis Woods Nursing Home who are unable to attend weekend liturgy.

Worship Committee

The Worship Committee seeks to promote, encourage, and enrich the spiritual growth of the Ascension community. We are a visionary, creative committee that uses the liturgical seasons and church documents as a guide and inspiration to prepare meaningful, reverent liturgies. This includes development and execution of the Orders of Liturgy along with the training, scheduling, and growth of ministers. We also seek to educate the community, calling them to ministry, and encouraging full, conscious, active participation by all. The Worship Committee meets monthly from September – May.

Bereavement Committee

Our Bereavement Committee offers sympathy, concern and prayers to grieving families by providing a meal for parish families after the funeral Mass at Ascension.

Members provide a dish, casserole, item, etc. for the luncheon and deliver it to the AMR that morning.  NO training or qualifications required – just a loving and caring heart.


Cantors lead and encourage the assembly to join their voices in praising God through song and prayer during the liturgy. Rehearsals are held on a weekly basis to learn and prepare music.

Instrumental Musicians

Musicians who are interested in using their gifts to enhance the beauty of the Mass and complement the music with their instrument. Instrumental musicians accompany the cantor and the assembly through music performed during the liturgy.  Rehearsals are held on a weekly basis to learn and prepare music.

Resurrection Choir

Men and women who strengthen the sung portions of the funeral liturgy. As a part of the assembly, the choir’s presence generates a sense of parish unity with the family and friends of the deceased. It is not necessary to be a member of one of the other choirs. Members gather 45 minutes prior to the funeral to prepare the music.

Altar Servers

This ministry is open to students, grades 4 to 12, and adults.  These ministers assist the Presider at liturgy by accepting the gifts, carrying the crucifix, and other tasks, as needed, during the Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Ministers of the Eucharist assist the Presider in offering the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly at liturgy.  This ministry is open to anyone who has been confirmed. Required training by the Archdiocese provided.

Ministers of Communion to the Homebound 

These ministers take communion to parishioners who are unable to attend weekend liturgy.  Communion is taken to parishioner’s homes.

Ministers of Communion to the Hospital

These ministers take communion to hospital patients at Norton’s St. Matthews Hospital who are unable to attend weekend liturgy.

Altar Society

There are two groups to this ministry. One group launder and prepare altar cloths, corporals, and purificators used during liturgy. The other group does light cleaning of the worship space on a weekly basis.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Teachers

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered on Sundays during 10:30 AM Mass. There are two groups, All Stars (age 3 – Kindergarten) and Time Travelers (grades 1-3) where children age 3 through 3rd grade get to learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way.  During this time, children travel back in time to meet some heroes of the Bible, sing along with worship music, and hear a relevant message that follows the same topic that parents and young adults will hear at Mass. Middle School students can help assist teachers. High School students and adults are invited to become teachers. Training and materials are provided.

Media Ministry

These ministers help record video and audio of the weekend Masses using provided computer software and resources to be accessed online.

Ministry Scheduler Coordinator

This minister coordinates the scheduling of all liturgical ministers for each mass throughout the year and to publish the schedule for all ministers to view.

Music Ministry

Make a joyful noise! Members of this ministry use their talents to lead and support the music at parish Masses and prayer services. Opportunities abound for all ages and experience levels, including adult, youth and resurrection choirs, inter-generational handbells, cantors and instrumentalists. Most groups rehearse weekly or monthly from September through May. If you sing in your car or can count to four, we have an opening for you. Come lend your musical gifts as we give praise and thanks to God!

Ascension Ringers

This is an inter-generational group of individuals and families who enjoy making music in a communal setting. This ensemble ministers through handbell ringing at Mass and outreach in the community. Participants meet twice a month for rehearsals. Prior experience or the ability to read music is NOT required.

Ascension Singers (Youth Choir)

Ascension’s Youth Choir open to students in grades 3-8 to make a joyful noise to the Lord! The choir is comprised of both students who attend and do not attend Ascension Catholic School. This ensemble meets once a week from September-May and sings regularly for weekend and special liturgies, helping to lead the assembly in prayer through music. Ascension Singers are also involved in community outreach through performance and service opportunities. Choir rehearsals are held on Wednesday’s at from 6-7 PM in the church.

Ascending Voices (Adult Choir)

Vocal ensemble open to high school students and adults. This ensemble meets once a week from September-May and sings regularly for weekend and special liturgies, helping to lead the assembly in prayer through music. Choir rehearsals are held on Wednesday’s at 7:15 PM in the church.

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