Feb. 28 – 6:00pm Gr.5 parent mtg. re DC trip in the library
Mar. 2 – 9:30am First Communion Retreat/Workshop for First Communicants and parents
Mar. 6 – Ash Wednesday-Masses at 8:15am, Noon and 6:00pm
Mar. 11 – No school, teacher inservice
Mar. 1,8,15 & 22 – Fish Fry 5:30pm-8:00pm
Mar. 13 – 6:00-8:00pm Confirmation “After-Glow”-Focus Session reflection in AMR (with sponsor or parent)
Mar. 19 – 9:00am-6:00pm Open House for prospective families
Mar. 25-29 EMS ticket qualifiers (sold 15 or more), out of uniform

02/18 $25 Cynthia Gregory, Isabella Gregory Gr.3
02/19 $25 Lorraine Farris, Avery Farris Gr.1
02/20 $25 Richard Jackson, Isa Verdi Gr.5
02/21 $25 Tom Wagner, Madison Wagner Gr.6
02/22 $50 Mark Churchman, Julia Wood Gr.8

Trey Thompson in Gr. 8, is named a Class of 2023 Steinhauser Scholar at Trinity -scoring in the top ten of Trinity incoming freshman on the high school placement test. Way to go Trey, keep up the good work!

Track meeting this Thursday at 6pm in the gathering space. Get information on practices, meets, and season expectations. Open to anyone registered or thinking about registering for track, grades K through 8.

To those who signed up, we received $85.68 from Amazon Smiles for the last quarter! While it may not sound like a lot, it isn’t costing anyone a penny to participate!

We have a few openings in our Three-year-old Preschool class for the upcoming school year (2019-2020). We would love for you to be a part of our Ascension School Family! Through guided play and exploration your preschooler will build their love for learning as well as develop important and vital social and emotional skills that will be carried with them throughout their academic career and beyond. Students will begin the process of learning their letters, numbers, writing names and engaging in the world around them to continue to foster their creativity. We begin faith formation by attending mass, discussing God’s creation and fostering a sense of community by participating in service projects. If you want to be a part of this please call to schedule a tour.

If you have a student in grades 3rd-8th that is interested in playing Spring Soccer at Ascension, please sign up using the SI Play app or website:
If you have any questions, please email Sean Murphy (3rd-8th grade soccer coordinator):

Books, Games and More! Booth
Please start saving your books, board games, video games, cd’s, and puzzles for our Festival Booth!
We will have collection boxes available in the Gathering Space after Easter.
Thank you for supporting this 100% profit booth!

All kids in grades Junior Kindergarten thru 2nd grade that would like to play soccer please email Matt Sanderfer, Soccer Coordinator for JK-2nd, at by 02/28/2019 with students name, grade and email.
-First soccer practice will be on 02/28/2019 at 6pm -7pm
-Games will be on Saturday and/or Sunday

February Service Project at Belmont Village
Please join us at Belmont Village February 21st for a joint Service Project! The kiddos will be working with the seniors to make cat and dog toys for the Lyndon Animal Shelter. These events are always a great way to serve our community! February Sandwich Sunday-

Driving Question:
“How can we positively impact the homeless in our community by providing them with the things they need, while also encouraging our community to see past the labels and judgment that go along with being homeless?”
Blessing Bag Collection
We, the 5th grade will be collecting the following items for the homeless in our community. We are asking for your help! We will be putting together blessing bags that will be donated to St. John’s Center and Wayside Christian Mission. Please consider donating any of the listed items! We are asking that all items are turned in by February 22nd! Thank you in advance for all of your support and generosity!
Below are the suggested items for each grade, however please feel free to donate anything you feel would be helpful!
3s and preschool- Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
Kindergarten- Socks and travel size tissues
1st- Soap and travel size lotions
2nd- Chapstick and wipes
3rd- hairbrushes and hand warmers
4th- deodorant
5th- Shampoo and conditioner (regular and/or travel size)
6th- Beanies/ gloves
7th- 8th- Sanitary items and/or reusable bags

Optional items:
-granola bars
-water bottles
-nonperishable snacks
-travel size hygiene items
-Coffee, Creamer, Sugar (For St. John Center)

Ascension Singers are back!!! Ms. Smith would love to have any students in grades 3-8 join us. The first rehearsal is February 27th from 6:00 PM -6:45 PM in the Church. Performances include Easter Sunday at 10:30 AM and First Communion on April 28th at 10:30 AM. More performances will be scheduled for May with a summer schedule and exciting opportunities in the Fall! Please fill out the following form:

We are gearing up for a fabulous summer! We had a great time last summer and plan to schedule this summer in a similar fashion. We will have two “off campus” days: Monday we will be swimming at Upper Highlands and on Wednesdays we will be heading out on a field trip. We will be doing team rotations on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for our “on campus” days. During the rotations we will be doing a Top Chef class, Organized Group Games, Music, Drama, Reading and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). We should keep your kiddos busy and enjoy their summer at camp!

The first day of summer camp is tentatively scheduled for June 5th, barring any snow days.

If you enroll for the entire summer, you will be granted one vacation week. Registration will be open to Ascension families only, until February 15th. After that, open spots will be offered to community families. We do not anticipate any openings after that point, so please be sure to get your paperwork turned in on time!!! The paperwork was emailed to all Ascension families on February 4. If you can not find the paperwork, please email Rachel Skaggs at

Track sign-ups are going on now. You can sign up through the school site. Season begins March 4th!
Have questions? Please feel free to email me at
Want to get involved, I would love to have you assist our team! Please let me know if you are interested in helping out. Jaimelee Steurer

The Catholic Education Foundation, the Archdiocese of Louisville and funding partners are helping more families than ever who cannot afford the full cost of educating their children in a Catholic elementary school.
All families with one or more children enrolled in or applying to a Catholic elementary school in the Archdiocese of Louisville are eligible to apply.
Tuition assistance applications should be submitted between December 15, 2018 and February 28, 2019.
The FACTS management application, will be used for all forms of Catholic elementary school tuition assistance. Families must use the online application available on the website,
When submitting your application, you must submit your 2017 federal income tax return and 2017 W-2 information. A new application is due each year.
Tuition assistance award letters will be mailed to families no later than June 15, 2019.
Completed applications received by February 28, 2019 will participate in the initial grant awards. A much smaller amount of tuition assistance may be available for forms submitted after that date.
Complete only one FACTS application for your family, including all students in the family (elementary and high school) on the same form. FACTS will send a need evaluation to all funding sources for which each family could qualify as well as the schools you have listed on the form.
If you have questions, please call the Catholic Education Foundation at (502) 585-2747, or visit them online. They will be happy to assist you!

Featuring Keynote Speaker, Amie Konwinski
“Do you know what your kids are doing on their smartphones? The fact is our (pre)teens are living in a virtual world where everything they like, post, tweet, snap, follow, send and comment on will be scrutinized for years to come. This digital footprint will impact them in school, sports, relationships, college applications, interviews and even their future careers and families. Now more than ever, it is time for parents to get smart about technology and social media. We must keep our families safe from the pitfalls of being connected 24/7.”
When: Tuesday, February 19, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Presentation and Q&A Session
Where: Mercy Academy, 5801 Fegenbush Lane
Cost: FREE
We envision a society where: Teens are empowered to be safe, authentic and private on social media. Parents are intentionally engaged with their children and the devices and apps they use. Educators are more equipped to manage iGen students in a constantly changing digital environment.
Sponsored by: Mercy Academy & Trinity High School

“Mornings without Tears” – February 28, 2019 6:00-7:30pm at St. Leonard School
Time-tested tools, techniques, and tips will be offered for taming crazy mornings. Plan to share your own expertise and learn from local experts in this hands-on workshop for parents. Call 897-5265 to RSVP to this potluck supper and workshop.

If you shop Amazon, please consider shopping AmazonSmile! AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know (same products, same prices, same service)! Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to Ascension! Please support Ascension School by continuing your shopping with Amazon at It is a win-win for Ascension and our students!
Our organization is listed as Church of the Ascension School Louisville, KY.

YEARBOOKS 2018-2019
Orders can only be placed online at, our yearbook code is 12159319.

Our goal is to raise $2,000 in FREE money for our school! Neatly cut and collect unexpired box tops and send them into school on a collection sheet or in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it to the PTO mailbox located in the school office. Ask family, friends, and neighbors to save Box Tops for you! We will have two submission dates: October 15 and February 15. For each submission date, the class that brings in the most box tops will receive a popsicle party!
Download the Box Tops Bonus App today to earn Bonus Box Tops!

Student’s who are absent should be phoned in or emailed to Ms. Thomas by 8:30am. There is a 24 hour message system for you to phone in absences, 451-2535 ext. 18.
Also, it is very important that your child/ren arrive at school on time daily! Students should be in their class and chair by 7:55am. If your child is late, you must come in to sign them in. Thank you!