Jan. 28-Feb. 1 – Catholic Schools Week
Jan. 30 – 9:00am-6:00pm Open House/Registration for prospective families
Feb. 6 – 3:15-7:30pm p/t/s conferences
Feb. 7 – 11:00am dismissal, p/t/s conferences 11:45am-2:45pm
Feb. 8-11 – No school
Feb. 23 – Trivia Night
Feb. 24 – Confirmation 10:30am Mass
Mar. 6 – Ash Wednesday-Masses at 8:15am, Noon and 6:00pm
Mar. 1,8,15 & 22 – Fish Fry 5:30pm-8:00pm
Mar. 18-22 – EMS ticket qualifiers (sold 15 or more), out of uniform

Assumption High School-First Semester 2018-19
Principal’s List-Madeleine Will
First Honors-Hannah Balthrop, Emilie Balthrop, Haley Beierle, Sara Coleman, Sara Dolle, Traci Kaninberg & Madi Melcher
Second Honors-Chloe Minus & Lexie Tunnell

Sacred Heart High School-First Semester 2018-19
Principal’s List-Kate McLarney, Payton Rousseau, Harper Schurman & Hannah Spears
First Honors-Carly Isaac

St. Xavier High School-Second Quarter 2018-19
Principal’s List-Seth Beierle
First Honors-Jackson Fears
Second Honors-Zane Peckenpaugh & Luke Spears

As we begin our annual observance of National Catholic Schools Week (1/27-2/2) we want to thank you all for everything you have done over the past year to aid us in our mission at Ascension. The week’s theme – “Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.” encompasses the core products and values which can be found in Catholic schools across the country. Not only are we teaching students to become future servant leaders, faith-filled disciples and engaged citizens, we as educators are growing with them. In Catholic schools, we are all learners, servants and leaders. These shared qualities are what make Catholic schools work. They are what make Catholic schools succeed.

We are grateful for the support you provide to our school. Your efforts help make it possible for us to offer an important educational alternative to the families of our community. You are an inspiration of true community service and a role model for our students.
If you have not already done so, please be sure to view our Open House Video,

Below is the schedule for the week and we invite all of you to participate, or just stop by to see the wonderful things happening at Ascension.
Schedule for Catholic School’s Week (1/27 – 2/2)
Sunday, 1/27- 10:30am Mass
Come celebrate the kick-off for Catholic School’s Week followed by sandwich Sunday. If you have helped at one, come back; if this is new to you, please stop by the cafeteria and help us feed the hungry. Bring some lunch meat, bread, cheese, snacks, or fruit to add to the bags we will be making!
Monday, 1/28- Parent Appreciation Day
Class color day- each class will be wearing a different color t-shirt. Students should wear uniform pants or skirts.
Parents- make sure you drop your children off this morning: teachers have a little thank you for sending your children to Ascension. No homework for your child tonight! We really do appreciate all you do to help us.
Tuesday, 1/29- Teacher Appreciation Day
Crazy hair for students
The PTO will provide lunch for the teachers. We have prizes that will be given to teachers in a drawing. This is also the annual Archdiocesan Mass at St. Albert the Great at 10:00am. This year’s Mass will honor our own, John Amback who has been named Volunteer of the Year! Congratulations to Mr. Amback!
Wednesday, 1/30- Parish Appreciation
Open House today, students need to be in uniform but they can wear crazy socks!
All parishioners invited to tour the school from 8am-9am
The students will show their appreciation to Ascension Parish. Look in your bulletin this weekend (2/2 & 3) for a note from a student. Check out our, “Thank You,” banner in the gathering space as well.
Thursday, 1/31- Staff and Clergy Appreciation Day
Ascension Spirit Wear for the students. Students should wear uniform pants or skirts.
Watch the morning news cast for interviews with some staff/clergy members.
Students will write letter of thanks to priests, and deacon.
Friday, 2/1- Student Appreciation Day
Pajama day for students!
Students will get popcorn treats. They will either watch a movie or play board games during a free period.

Seeking instrumentalists and singers who enjoy making music! Ascension music ministry is looking for more voices to fill the choir and serve as cantors as well as any instrumentalists to share their talents. I invite you to consider checking out what the Ascension Music Ministry has to offer. Please join us on Wednesday evenings for rehearsal beginning February 6th at 7:00 PM in the church. Interested in learning more, contact Holly Smith at

Inviting all students in 3rd grade and above to join their voices in singing with the Ascension Singers! Do you already play an instrument and want to share that gift with others? Consider joining the music ministry at Ascension. Rehearsals have not yet been finalized. Please fill out the following form or contact Holly Smith for more information at

Ascension will be collecting books for the African Library Project this week and next week. We are partnering with Sacred Heart Academy to build a library for the Nkwanta Senior High Technical School in Ghana. Our goal for Ascension is 300 books. Please donate new or gently used books from a 4th-8th grade reading level. Please bring all books to the school office.

Given the subzero wind chills forecast for Wednesday night (January 30, 2019), the Safe Environment Training scheduled for that night at Holy Trinity-Louisville has been cancelled.

All parishioners 18 years of age or older interested in playing in this year’s Lenten Adult Fish Fry Volleyball League, please sign up your team by emailing Play will begin Friday, February 22nd and continue weekly through March 22nd. End of season tournament will be played after Spring Break on Friday, April 12th. League is limited to 12 teams.

Congratulations to Gr. 3! They will receive a popsicle treat (when it warms up) for turning in the most box tops!

Community letter writing evening to state officials regarding the support for refugees and immigrants in Kentucky.
Where: Saint Francis of Assisi School, 1960 Bardstown Road
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Families welcome! Art work for kids, and more! Snacks and drinks provided.
Call Catholic Charities for more information 637-9786

Boys 1st Grade through 8th Grade:
Boys volleyball sign-ups are open on SI Play. You can sign up online at We will be using the current basketball jerseys as uniforms for volleyball. If you are not currently playing basketball and need a jersey, please contact Dave Baker at or at 502-475-7926. Please register as soon as possible. The boys volleyball season will start at the end of the basketball season.
The 1st & 2nd Grade Volleyball teams are now a coed league. If you are interested in coaching the 1st and 2nd grade boys volleyball team please contact Dave Baker at or at 502-475-7926.

Track sign-ups are going on now. You can sign up through the school site. Season begins March 4th!
Have questions? Please feel free to email me at
Want to get involved, I would love to have you assist our team! Please let me know if you are interested in helping out. Jaimelee Steurer

The Catholic Education Foundation, the Archdiocese of Louisville and funding partners are helping more families than ever who cannot afford the full cost of educating their children in a Catholic elementary school.
All families with one or more children enrolled in or applying to a Catholic elementary school in the Archdiocese of Louisville are eligible to apply.
Tuition assistance applications should be submitted between December 15, 2018 and February 28, 2019.
The FACTS management application, will be used for all forms of Catholic elementary school tuition assistance. Families must use the online application available on the website,
When submitting your application, you must submit your 2017 federal income tax return and 2017 W-2 information. A new application is due each year.
Tuition assistance award letters will be mailed to families no later than June 15, 2019.
Completed applications received by February 28, 2019 will participate in the initial grant awards. A much smaller amount of tuition assistance may be available for forms submitted after that date.
Complete only one FACTS application for your family, including all students in the family (elementary and high school) on the same form. FACTS will send a need evaluation to all funding sources for which each family could qualify as well as the schools you have listed on the form.
If you have questions, please call the Catholic Education Foundation at (502) 585-2747, or visit them online. They will be happy to assist you!

Featuring Keynote Speaker, Amie Konwinski
“Do you know what your kids are doing on their smartphones? The fact is our (pre)teens are living in a virtual world where everything they like, post, tweet, snap, follow, send and comment on will be scrutinized for years to come. This digital footprint will impact them in school, sports, relationships, college applications, interviews and even their future careers and families. Now more than ever, it is time for parents to get smart about technology and social media. We must keep our families safe from the pitfalls of being connected 24/7.”
When: Tuesday, February 19, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Presentation and Q&A Session
Where: Mercy Academy, 5801 Fegenbush Lane
Cost: FREE
We envision a society where: Teens are empowered to be safe, authentic and private on social media. Parents are intentionally engaged with their children and the devices and apps they use. Educators are more equipped to manage iGen students in a constantly changing digital environment.
Sponsored by: Mercy Academy & Trinity High School

“Digital Footprint” – January 31, 2019 6:30-8:00pm at St. Leonard School
This crash course in social media offers tools to protect and empower children in our data-driven world. Healthy screen usage, monitoring screen time and privacy concerns will be covered. Call 897-5265 to RSVP for this workshop.

“Mornings without Tears” – February 28, 2019 6:00-7:30pm at St. Leonard School
Time-tested tools, techniques, and tips will be offered for taming crazy mornings. Plan to share your own expertise and learn from local experts in this hands-on workshop for parents. Call 897-5265 to RSVP to this potluck supper and workshop.

If you shop Amazon, please consider shopping AmazonSmile! AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know (same products, same prices, same service)! Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to Ascension! Please support Ascension School by continuing your shopping with Amazon at It is a win-win for Ascension and our students!
Our organization is listed as Church of the Ascension School Louisville, KY.

YEARBOOKS 2018-2019
Orders can only be placed online at, our yearbook code is 12159319.

01/21 $25 Sandra Wessling, Aidan McCaffery Gr.8
01/22 $25 Eileen Soeder
01/23 $25 Bob Cecil, Ashley Isaac Gr.8
01/24 $25 Jack Isaac, Ashley Isaac Gr.8
01/25 $50 Frank Thackeray, Sam Thackeray Gr.1

Our goal is to raise $2,000 in FREE money for our school! Neatly cut and collect unexpired box tops and send them into school on a collection sheet or in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it to the PTO mailbox located in the school office. Ask family, friends, and neighbors to save Box Tops for you! We will have two submission dates: October 15 and February 15. For each submission date, the class that brings in the most box tops will receive a popsicle party!
Download the Box Tops Bonus App today to earn Bonus Box Tops!

Student’s who are absent should be phoned in or emailed to Ms. Thomas by 8:30am. There is a 24 hour message system for you to phone in absences, 451-2535 ext. 18.
Also, it is very important that your child/ren arrive at school on time daily! Students should be in their class and chair by 7:55am. If your child is late, you must come in to sign them in. Thank you!