Mar. 17-21 – EMS out-of-uniform week for those who qualified
Mar. 17-21 – Spring Book Fair & lunch with someone special
Mar. 28 – 9:00am-2:00pm kindergarten to Blackacre Conservancy
Mar. 31-Apr. 4 – Spring Break
Apr. 10 – 8:15am-2:00pm Gr. 5 to Big Bone Lick State Historic Site

Do you need to receive your first (in-person) Safe Environment Training? St. Margaret Mary will host one on April 7 at 6:30, as will St. Martha on April 28th. This training is required for anyone who volunteers with children in the Archdiocese of Louisville. All school parents are highly encouraged to attend this training, since then you would be able to serve as a 2nd adult if needed at a youth event (such as a sports practice) which otherwise would need to be cancelled due to lack of trained adults. More information is available at

Superintendent, Mary Beth Bowling, made the decision to forgive two days, meaning we would not need to be in school Good Friday and Oaks. She informed us that the General Assembly is still voting on forgiving up to four days, which we don’t need, but MAY mean if we have any other days out we would, likely, be granted additional.

Ascension School will be closed on April 18 (Good Friday) and May 2 (Oaks Day).

LITERATI BOOK FAIR</strong – Monday, March 17th – Friday, March 21st
Lunch With Someone Special Days – Preschool 11:45am, Gr’s. K-2 11:35, Gr’s. 3-5 11:05am, Gr’s. 6-8 12:05pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday March 17th – March 21st

• Credit cards, checks and cash will be accepted as payment
• All purchases benefit Ascension’s library
• Email with any questions

Ascension to host six-Fish Fries during the Lenten season.
Note—There is NOT a Fish Fry scheduled during Spring Break.
New Traffic Flow – Enter through Gathering Space for Dine-In

Friday, March 21
Friday, March 28
Friday, April 11

We can’t do it without you! Volunteer for a shift here: Sign Up Genius
Note—Each week is designated by grade level, however, you are welcome to sign up for whatever shift(s) work for you. Questions? Contact Fish Fry Volunteer Coordinator, Abby Simon (

Registration is now open on GameDay for CSAA Golf!
This is open to everyone in grades 3-8. Registration closes on April 11.
The CSAA tournament is on June 2. Practice information will be shared as soon as it is available.
Please reach out to Justin Amburgey (502-298-5507) if you have any questions, or if you are interested in assistant coaching or helping in any way!

Hello Ascension families!
We have a few changes and confirmations on our guest schedule with new surprises!

March 23, we will have a surprise sport/guest (planning on outside/gym will be alternative)
March 30, we are off (Spring break)
April 6 We are back with a surprise sport/guest (planning on outside/gym will be alternative)
Apil 13 We have the University of Louisville Rugby team (we will start at the gym and then play outside)
April 20 We are off (Easter)
April 27 We have the University of Louisville Ice hockey team(we will be in the gym)

As always, Everyone is welcome!!!

Do you want more??? We are always looking for volunteers for multiple areas! Getting lost??? No worries, all the information for athletics such as events, game locations, game time, Athletics and CSAA policies, picture day and pictures links, Board agendas and minutes, practice plans…it is in the Band App, where we have 182 members, and that you can go ahead and join us here:

Do you still have questions, are we missing something, did you miss a deadline?… No worries. Contact us via email

Go Longhorns!!!

Family Skate Night – April 10th, 6-8 PM
All families are invited to join the Ascension PTO at Robbens Roost on April 10th for Family Skate Night! This is a free event for all Ascension families (concessions will be available for purchase). Please RSVP your family here:

Our next PTO meeting is Tuesday, April 8th in the Ascension library.

Service hour opportunity: If you have a student interested in volunteering to offer childcare during PTO meetings, please sign them up at

The PTO is transitioning from Slack to the BAND app to help streamline communications. Join the “Ascension PTO” group on the BAND app by clicking the link below so you don’t miss any important updates!

Upcoming Restaurant Night Fundraiser:
April 7th – PARLOUR J-town

Thank you,
Ascension PTO

Charitable Gaming License #ORG0000031
Your Festival packet should have arrived last week, including a form for Raffle Booth pre-sales. You can also fill out the online order form instead. Orders must be received by Tuesday, May 27th. You don’t need to be present to win! The online form will be updated as new packages are added, so be sure to stop by the booth during the Festival to see any last-minute additions. For more information, contact: Karen Morris – 262-7064, Carleen Herde – 693-9697 or Anne Ewing – 558-8435

The Archdiocese requires all who volunteer or work with minors to have a background check done every five years (processed for free by the parish office). Also, an initial in-person Safe Environment Training must be completed (dates and locations available at This training must be renewed every five years by doing a one-hour online course (ask parish office for the website).

If you volunteer or work around children at all, you must be up-to-date on these requirements. Please call the parish office if you have any questions.

If you are currently not up-to-date, you may continue in your work only if there are two other adults present who are up to date AND you are currently in the process of renewing your training and background check.

Anyone who is not currently volunteering but who might possibly volunteer in the future is welcome to go ahead and receive the initial in-person training. That way you wouldn’t have to scramble to do the training if you suddenly decided to volunteer for a youth event. Please submit the certificate you receive there to our parish secretary for her records.

Thank you so much for your service to our community and for your diligence in helping our parish be a responsible and safe place for our kids.

Fr. Robert

Did you know that Ascension is a Box Tops school? During this challenging time, our teachers and students need more help than ever. No matter what school looks like, Box Tops for Education is a fast and easy way for you to help out from home.

HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: Buy participating products and use the Box Tops mobile app to scan your store receipt. The app identifies eligible products and automatically adds Box Tops to your school’s earnings online. Even if you’re shopping online or doing grocery pickup, you can still submit your e-receipts and earn Box Tops. Twice a year, our school gets a check!

The PTO uses money earned from Box Tops to fund our iPad program and other classroom needs for our students!

Here’s how YOU can help earn money for our school!
• DOWNLOAD the Box Tops app and select our school to support. This ensures that your Box Tops purchases count toward our school’s earnings.
• SHOP for Box Tops products and use the app to scan your receipt to add to our school’s earnings online.
• LOOK for any remaining Box Tops clips on packages. If you find some, clip them and send them to school!
• SPREAD THE WORD about Box Tops!
FUN TIP: You can also use the “Invite Friends” feature in the app to ask friends and family to help support our school!

Your earnings may seem small, but they really do add up. The more people that participate, the bigger the impact we can make. So let’s give our teachers the support they need and help give more kids the opportunity to dream. Little by little, we can help make a BIG difference.

Student’s who are absent should be phoned in or emailed to Ms. Thomas by 8:15am. There is a 24 hour message system for you to phone in absences, 451-2535 ext. 22.
Also, it is very important that your child/ren arrive at school on time daily! Students should be in their class and chair by 7:55am. If your child is late, you must come in to sign them in. Thank you!