Mar. 23 – 3:30-6:30pm Open House for potential families
Mar. 25 – Rice Bowls are due back
Mar. 29-Apr. 2 – Spring Break
Apr. 8 – 6pm Gr.5 parent meeting via zoom re Gr.6 trip to Gettysburg/DC
Apr. 13 – 5:30pm Gr.7 parent meeting via zoom re Gr.8 trip to Grand Canyon
Apr. 19-Apr. 23 – out-of-uniform for students who sold 15 EMS chances
Apr. 25 – 1pm First Eucharist
Apr. 30 – Derby Eve Holiday
May 10-May 14 – out-of-uniform for students who sold 15 EMS chances
May 17-21 – Gr. 8 trip
May 26 – Gr. 8 graduation

Ian Beierle, 8th grade student at Ascension, has been awarded a merit scholarship to Trinity and named a Steinhauser Scholar for scoring in the top 20 students taking full merit test (he had 2nd in person merit test).

$500 scholarship awarded to an Ascension student in 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th grade involved in Ascension’s Church Music Ministry.
The scholarship may be applied toward school tuition or private music lessons.
To apply:
1. Applicants must submit a current resume of music and music ministry experiences.
2. Write an essay answering the following:
a. How has being involved in Music Ministry influenced your life?
b. How do you hope to continue your Music Ministry in the future?
– Applications can be submitted to the school or parish office ATTN: Holly Smith-Brooks Church of the Ascension 4600
Lynnbrook Dr., Louisville KY 40220
– Deadline for application is April 1st, 2021
– Applications will be reviewed by a selected committee and the recipient will be
announced at the end of the year school awards ceremony
– Questions can be directed to Holly Smith-Brooks

Starting the 2nd Sunday of Easter, April 11, Sunday Mass times will return to 8:30am and 10:30am.

Sign-ups are up and live on Gameday for 3rd through 8th grade. The deadline is April 1st. We have partnered with Our Lady of Lourdes this season. They have asked if we might have any coaches interested. Please let me know if you have any interest or questions.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is July 19th-21st, 2021!
For those entering PK-5th grade next school year.
Embark on an epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jungles. Kids will discover God’s greatest treasure isn’t diamonds, gems, or gold–it’s them! Volunteers of all ages are needed in many areas: crafts, games, snacks, music, group leaders, and storytelling. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Tasha Gordon at Registration for participants will open in May.

We could really use your help with the remaining fish fry’s. This year we are doing drive thru only service which requires more volunteers to take orders, pack orders, run orders, prep to-go food, etc. So we have a proportionate amount of help each week, I would like to schedule this based on grade (please see below):

Anybody available Friday 3/26 (4:30 to 8:00)

I realize 4:30 is early for many of you with your work schedule so please come when you can. We can use everyone including the kids if childcare is an issue. I am not doing a sign up genius or anything of that nature this is an honor system, any help is appreciated. Please remember fish fry is one of our primary fund raisers for athletics which allows us to keep athletic fees lower than almost every school in the city. I look forward to seeing you there, have a good week!

Fridays during Lent – 6:00pm Stations of the Cross

Mar. 28 – 7:00pm Tenebrae – Liturgy in Darkness
Apr. 01 – 7:00pm Holy Thursday
Apr. 02 – 3:00pm Good Friday
Apr. 03 – 9:00pm Easter Vigil
Apr. 04 – 8:00am & 10:30am Easter Sunday
Apr. 04 – 6:00pm Easter Sunday Evening Prayer
Apr. 15 – 6:30pm – Ascension Music Series “REJOICE”-Songs of Praise
May 20 – 6:30pm Ascension Music Series “AWAKENING”-Songs of Hope

Date, Payout, Winner, Seller & Grade
03/15 $25 Lauren Arnsperger, Quenton Horton Gr.5
03/16 $25 Rosemary Cavanaugh, Kamryn Benner Gr.5
03/17 $25 John Ward IV, Anderson Ward Gr.5
03/18 $25 Ann Berry, Aiden Lewis Gr.5
03/19 $50 Michelle Pratt, Sean McCulloch Gr.7

The Superintendent of Catholic Schools makes the decision to close schools due to inclement weather. The announcement is made to close “All Catholic Elementary Schools” on television or radio. Please listen carefully, since it is possible that the Catholic schools may be open even though Jefferson County public schools are closed. We will also contact parents by email and text.

On occasion, it may be necessary to begin school on a delayed schedule. If we are delayed, the cafeteria will be open to students at 9:10am with classes beginning at 9:55am. The school will close at the regular time.

No public announcements will be made about early dismissal in Jefferson County Catholic elementary schools except in the case of extreme emergency. If Ascension School dismisses early due to weather or other emergency, we will communicate through email, push and text.

Keep in mind, the above announcements and procedures (cafe’) are only followed if we are in-person/hybrid. If we are on NTI, we will operate on our normal schedule.

Now is the time to start filling up those Ziploc bags, milk jugs and coffee cans with pull tabs. Every little bit helps. Together we can make a difference. For more information on Kids Cancer Alliance please visit or contact K of C coordinator John McCarthy at
All proceeds benefit the Kids Cancer Alliance (KCA) and Indian Summer Camp (ISC). Pull tabs can be sent in to the school office at any time.

If you shop Amazon, please consider shopping AmazonSmile! It is the same Amazon you know (same products, same prices, same service)! Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to Ascension! Please support Ascension School by continuing your shopping with Amazon at It is a win-win for Ascension and our students!
Our organization is listed as Church of the Ascension School Louisville, KY.

For Amazon Smile to work on your phone, you have to specifically log into your Amazon account and enable your Amazon Smile for your mobile device ap to continue to generate rewards- otherwise it is only working on a desktop/laptop when on the site.

How do I activate AmazonSmile on my Amazon Shopping app?
AmazonSmile customers on Android devices with version 5.0+ or iOS devices with version 12+, who have upgraded to the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app can find “AmazonSmile” listed in the Settings menu. From there, you can follow onboarding instructions to activate AmazonSmile on your device.

Did you know that Ascension is a Box Tops school? During this challenging time, our teachers and students need more help than ever. No matter what school looks like, Box Tops for Education is a fast and easy way for you to help out from home.

HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: Buy participating products and use the Box Tops mobile app to scan your store receipt. The app identifies eligible products and automatically adds Box Tops to your school’s earnings online. Even if you’re shopping online or doing grocery pickup, you can still submit your e-receipts and earn Box Tops. Twice a year, our school gets a check!

The PTO uses money earned from Box Tops to fund our iPad program and other classroom needs for our students!

Here’s how YOU can help earn money for our school!
• DOWNLOAD the Box Tops app and select our school to support. This ensures that your Box Tops purchases count toward our school’s earnings.
• SHOP for Box Tops products and use the app to scan your receipt to add to our school’s earnings online.
• LOOK for any remaining Box Tops clips on packages. If you find some, clip them and send them to school!
• SPREAD THE WORD about Box Tops!
FUN TIP: You can also use the “Invite Friends” feature in the app to ask friends and family to help support our school!

Your earnings may seem small, but they really do add up. The more people that participate, the bigger the impact we can make. So let’s give our teachers the support they need and help give more kids the opportunity to dream. Little by little, we can help make a BIG difference.

Thank you,
Ascension PTO

Student’s who are absent should be phoned in or emailed to Ms. Thomas by 8:30am. There is a 24 hour message system for you to phone in absences, 451-2535 ext. 22.
Also, it is very important that your child/ren arrive at school on time daily! Students should be in their class and chair by 7:55am. If your child is late, you must come in to sign them in. Thank you!