Oct. 30 – 1:00pm dismissal, teacher inservice
Nov. 01 – 9:30am-11:45am Gr. 4 to Dropseed Nursery
Nov. 04 – 9:00am-4:00pm Gr. 8 Confirmation Retreat at Kavanaugh Center
Nov. 07 – 6:00pm Gr. 8 Group Focus Session (with sponsor or parent) in the adult meeting room
Nov. 08 – 10:30-2:00pm Malibu Jack’s trip for qualifiers on EMS ticket sales
Nov. 08 – 6:00pm gr. 7 parent mtg. re 2020 gr. 8 trip in the library

Chloe Mingus, Ascension Class of 2016, plays on the Assumption Volleyball team who won the State Championship & National Championship!

The following Ascension Alums made the Principal’s List/Honor Roll for the first quarter of the 2018-2019 school year at Trinity High School:
Principal’s List-Ryan Allen, Cole Busby & Bryce Thompson
First Honors-Brian Briceno, Andrew Norris, Heath Pennington, Clayton Walter, Ryan Woo-Ming
Second Honors-Noah Allen, Jacob Friedlein & Chris Whittington

We are putting together a Service Dollar Day this Wednesday October 31st! If the students bring in $1.00 to be donated to Catholic Charities USA for the Disaster Relief Fund that supports individuals and families impacted by the recent hurricanes and tropical storms, they will be allowed to wear a Halloween Shirt and/or accessories (headbands, socks, appropriate jewelry, etc). Students must wear their school bottoms. No masks, hats, makeup or costumes.

Kaelin McGlincy, Gr. 6, is doing a book drive to collect books for the pediatric library at Our Lady of Peace. Books may be dropped off at the school office and will be picked up on Friday, November 2.

We will be collecting candy October 26th through November 5th in the church gathering area. Look for the box marked Operation Gratitude and deposit leftover Halloween candy. This candy will be collected and mailed to Operation Gratitude for care packages distributed to our service men and women. Please note that we can only accept individually wrapped candy and no “loose” candy such as M&Ms or candy corn.

Additionally we will be collecting letters to our service men and women to be included in care packages. There will be an envelope on the candy box to collect letters or you can give to Mrs. Herriott.
Tips on how to write the letter and ideas of types of things the children can say:

➔ Start with a salutation, such as “Dear Hero” or “Dear Brave One”
➔ Write to a: Deployed Troop, Veteran, New Recruit, First Responder
A Deployed Troop is currently overseas in harm’s way.
A Veteran has served our country in the past.
A New Recruit just completed Boot Camp and has sworn to serve for 4+ years.
A First Responder serves as a Firefighter, a Paramedic, or in Law Enforcement.
All deserve to be thanked for their commitment and bravery!
➔ Express your thanks for their selfless service
➔ Please do not include the date or year on your letter or card
➔ Avoid politics completely and religion in excess; however, saying you are praying for
them is wonderful
➔ Share a little about yourself: Family, Hobbies, Work, School, Pets, Travel
➔ Talk about life and interests: Sports, Weather, Music, Movies, Food, Books
➔ Adults: Include your contact information (mail or email) so the recipient can reply.
Children: USE FIRST NAMES ONLY and no addresses please
➔ Can’t find the words? Consider drawing or painting a picture instead; please add a note
to kids’ drawings with their age. Please avoid glitter!

YEARBOOKS 2018-2019
Yearbook flyers are coming home today. Orders can only be placed on line at, our yearbook code is 12159319.

10/22 $25 Brenda Salyers, Kaelin McGlincy Gr.6
10/23 $25 Greg Vincenti, Lila Watts Gr.5
10/24 $25 Heidi Yang, Tatum Mullaney Gr.4
10/25 $25 Mary Sullivan, Jaylynn Jaggers Gr.6
10/26 $50 Kevin Bright, Joanna Logsdon Gr.2

The Amen Club will be hosting a Horseshoe Casino Trip for everyone in the parish. The trip will be November 10. The cost is $25/per person which includes a $15 meal ticket and a $5 token voucher. The bus will depart Ascension after Mass on November 10 at 5:00pm and arrive at Horseshoe Casino around 6:00pm. This event will sell out! Please sign up by October 29th!
Sign up today by sending an email to Bob Feger, or Jason Steurer,

Thanksgiving: Join us for Mass on Thanksgiving at 9am. Yes, the turkey is cooking! However, the Lord is always available to receive your thanks!

Our goal is to raise $2,000 in FREE money for our school! Neatly cut and collect unexpired box tops and send them into school on a collection sheet or in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it to the PTO mailbox located in the school office. Ask family, friends, and neighbors to save Box Tops for you! We will have two submission dates: October 15 and February 15. For each submission date, the class that brings in the most box tops will receive a popsicle party!
Download the Box Tops Bonus App today to earn Bonus Box Tops!

Student’s who are absent should be phoned in or emailed to Ms. Thomas by 8:30am. There is a 24 hour message system for you to phone in absences, 451-2535 ext. 18.
Also, it is very important that your child/ren arrive at school on time daily! Students should be in their class and chair by 7:55am. If your child is late, you must come in to sign them in. Thank you