Oct. 16 – Picture retakes
Oct. 17 – 6:00pm Confirmation Sponsor/Candidate general gathering/meeting in cafeteria
Oct. 23 – Open house for prospective families, 9:00am-6:00pm
Oct. 26 – Trunk or Treat
Oct. 30 – 1:00pm dismissal, teacher inservice

EMS Ticket totals are in!!! We sold 2,223 tickets sold! We did not reach our mega goal of 3000 tickets, hopefully next year!
Our TOP Seller was: Juliet Church (6th grade) with 60 tickets sold. Juliet will win a crisp $100 bill from Mr. Grider!!! (Thank you Mr. Grider, and Thank you Juliet for your awesome selling efforts!!) Our Second to the Top Seller was Aymen Chandler (Junior Kindergarten) with 40 tickets sold. (Thank you so much to Aymen for his awesome selling efforts!!)
The PTO thanks you for your continued support! We had around 70% participation this year in selling at least 5 tickets or more!
With your support the PTO can continue to support:
*Funds for Ipads and technology
*Free books at the book fair for every child *Paying for field trips *Supporting our teachers and their classrooms And so much more!
Thank you!

08/15 $25 Patrick McCoy, Eli McCoy 6
08/16 $25 Jean Oechslin
08/17 $50 Greg Griffith, Finley Griffith K
08/20 $25 Bridget Karnes, Bryson Betts 3
08/21 $25 Hilliary McCaffery, Aidan McCaffery 8
08/22 $25 Paola Murphy, Luke Murphy 2
08/23 $25 James Karrer, William Karrer K
08/24 $50 Felicia Harper, Avery Farris 1
08/27 $25 John Rogers, Julia Wood 8
08/28 $25 Pam Robinson, Corinne Keen K
08/29 $25 Sarah King, Nanette Ridge K
08/30 $25 Margaret Brooks
08/31 $50 Tricia Newey, Harrison Hoard JK
09/03 $250 Michael King, Talin Ridge 3
09/04 $25 Janet Bowling, John Bowling 4
09/05 $25 Rachel French, Juliet Church 6
09/06 $25 Cassie Frantz, Charlotte Cochran 1
09/07 $50 Debra Frederick, John Bowling 4
09/10 $25 Traci Spath, Henry Gregory JK
09/11 $25 Ed Orrill, Bryan Merrick 8
09/12 $25 Kassie Hazelwood, Church Sales
09/13 $25 Diane & Mike Baer, Ryan Baer 3
09/14 $50 Max Thackeray, Charlotte Thackeray JK
09/17 $25 Chris Steurer, Parker Steurer 6
09/18 $25 Mary Chandler, Aymen Chandler JK
09/21 $25 Forest Giant, Oscar Durand 5
09/22 $25 Jeff Seidenfaden, Zack Evers-LaBelle JK
09/23 $50 Martha Hermann, Addie Simms JK
09/24 $25 Vanessa McDermott, Annmarie Mullin K
09/25 $25 Zack Evers-LaBelle, Zack Evers-LaBelle JK
09/26 $25 Jim & Lois LaBelle, Kylar Evers-LaBelle 1
09/27 $25 Casie Disselkamp, Sam Gohmann 5
09/28 $50 Tommy McLarney, Erin McLarney 8
10/01 $250 Brian Steilberg, Kyron Dickerson 2
10/02 $25 Jenni Gohmann, Hannah Gohmann 5
10/03 $25 William King, Talin Ridge 3
10/04 $25 Sharon Hawkins, Isabella DiMauro 6
10/05 $50 Paula Nelson, Matt Yorgy 4

Many of our students participated in completing Summer Solution Workbooks. For every workbook they completed they received a chance to win $300 towards their tuition. Clark Sanderfer was the winner of the $300! Many, many thanks to Mr. John Amback for making this possible!

October 20 and 21: Join us in the sanctuary for a talk by Jeff Wright who will witness to an amazing journey with a differently-abled son. The talk will take place immediately following the 4pm Vigil Mass as well as the 8:30 celebration.

Thanksgiving: Join us for Mass on Thanksgiving at 9am. Yes, the turkey is cooking! However, the Lord is always available to receive your thanks!

Sandwich Sunday: This initiative has already fed literally hundreds of individuals and families. Please join us in preparing bagged lunches for others on Sunday, October 21 following the 10:30 Mass.

Want to understand a bit more about Scripture? Join Father Steven for a 45-minute presentation on the historical development and present composition of Sacred Scripture. Dates and times: October 13 after the 4pm Mass and October 14 after the 10:30 Mass.

Expecting a little one?: A reserved parking space for expectant moms has been created near the entrance of the Church.

If you would like to purchase Ascension Spirit Wear, please go to the link below. These make great Christmas gifts!
The link will only be up for two weeks!

Ascension 4H Sewing Stars beginner sewing classes for ages 9 and up starts October 10th. We meet in the Science room from 6:00-8:00 PM. Students must bring their own sewing machine. Space is limited. Contact: to sign up.

Mark your calendars for May 31st and June 1st as Festival 2019 will be amazing!!
We are in search of a Sponsorship Committee Lead.
Do you have a marketing or fundraising background?? Ability to connect with people?
Or open to connecting with our established sponsors and asking other businesses to support Ascension?
If so, then Festival 2019 needs you!
Please email Laura at with interest or questions by October 15th.
We can’t wait to work with you to make 2019 even more amazing!
Thank you!

Our goal is to raise $2,000 in FREE money for our school! Neatly cut and collect unexpired box tops and send them into school on a collection sheet or in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it to the PTO mailbox located in the school office. Ask family, friends, and neighbors to save Box Tops for you! We will have two submission dates: October 15 and February 15. For each submission date, the class that brings in the most box tops will receive a popsicle party!
Download the Box Tops Bonus App today to earn Bonus Box Tops!

Student’s who are absent should be phoned in or emailed to Ms. Thomas by 8:30am. There is a 24 hour message system for you to phone in absences, 451-2535 ext. 18.
Also, it is very important that your child/ren arrive at school on time daily! Students should be in their class and chair by 7:55am. Thank you