Sept. 13 – EMS ticket turn-in date
Sept. 17 – Confirmation meeting for Gr. 8 parents, 7:00pm in church
Sept. 18 – 5:30-6:30pm, optional ipad tutorial for parents of students in grades 4-8 in the school library
Oct. 3 – 3:15-7:30pm P/T/S Conferences
Oct. 4 – 11:00 School dismissal, P/T/S Conferences 11:45am
Oct. 5-8 – No school
Oct. 23 – Open house for prospective families, 9:00am-6:00pm
Oct. 30 – 1:00pm dismissal, teacher inservice

Student’s who are absent should be phoned in or emailed to Ms. Thomas by 8:30am. There is a 24 hour message system for you to phone in absences,
451-2535 ext. 18.
Also, it is very important that your child/ren arrive at school on time daily! Students should be in their class and chair by 7:55am. Thank you!

The following students qualified for the Duke Tip Program for 2018-2019:
Maura Cornell, Colin Dwyer, Mollie Johnson, Gabe Mingus, Joseph Oeswein, Seth Peckenpaugh, Brie Thompson, Ben Whittington & Will Yorgy

This year’s first Sandwich Sunday will take place on Sunday, September 16 after the 10:30am Mass. Please join us in the cafeteria to make sandwiches and bagged lunches for the homeless in our community. Please visit our sign-up page to volunteer to bring in items to donate: would love to see you all there!, Any questions, please email Mrs. Herriott at

At Sunday’s Mass, September 16 (10:30am), Grant Morris will be baptized. At the same Mass, a Blessing for Unborn Children will be offered and Childrens’ Liturgy of the Word will also occur.

Monday, September 17, at 7:00p.m. in church.

Next Saturday (September 22), a Contemporary Music Mass will be held at 4pm. Come and join our youth and others young at heart! Also next Sunday, a Blessing for our Ascension youth playing for Central Catholic (as well as all other football teams, public and private, elementary or high school) will be offered. A meeting of individuals or families interested in registering with the parish will also occur after the 10:30 Mass.

The Fall Book Fair will be held Monday, October 1 through Thursday, October 4. There will be more info to come later.

Our goal is to raise $2,000 in FREE money for our school! Neatly cut and collect unexpired box tops and send them into school on a collection sheet or in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it to the PTO mailbox located in the school office. Ask family, friends, and neighbors to save Box Tops for you! We will have two submission dates: October 15 and February 15. For each submission date, the class that brings in the most box tops will receive a popsicle party!
Download the Box Tops Bonus App today to earn Bonus Box Tops!