Greetings All!
September was a fabulous month for Ascension School! Here are some highlights:
– Students completed the three-week fall MAP testing.
– Our PTO led our biggest fundraiser of the year, Easy Money Sweepstakes (EMS).
– Our 2nd grade parents met with Ms. Duff and Fr. Robert to begin preparing for First Reconciliation on November 28th. Please keep them in your prayers.
– Library renovation is nearly complete.
– Bathroom stalls have been repaired.
– School has been painted.
– Landscaping will be completed soon.
– Athletic teams are competing in tournaments and doing well – more info to come!

MAP Test is the most trusted and innovative assessment for measuring achievement and growth in K–12 math, reading, language usage, and science. It provides teachers with accurate, actionable evidence to help inform instructional strategies regardless of how far students are above or below grade level.

At a recent Principals meeting, with the Archdiocese, Ascension was recognized for being one of two schools who are bright spots among all Catholic elementary schools on MAP testing this fall – our scores were amazing! Overall, we are in the 75th percentile in math, 78th percentile in reading and 77th percentile in language usage: That means we are 25%, 28% and 26% points higher than average (50%). I received an email from the Archdiocesan Data and Technology Specialist, Donna Brown, saying “your teachers are definitely doing something right!” The next MAP testing will take place in January and then again in April – I will keep you posted on our growth! It provides teachers with accurate, actionable evidence to help inform instructional strategies regardless of how far students are above or below grade level. It also connects to the largest set of instructional content providers, giving educators flexibility in curriculum choices.

The many projects happening around Ascension have been on the table for a couple of years and we are getting them done! Thank you to many of our parents and parishioners for your help! Bill Hesse, Tyler Baines, Nic Norwood, Nick Ising, Stephen Hoard, Phil Strohmeier, Bob Feger, Pete Welch, John Dwyer, Lee Earley, Justin Amburgey, Matt Amburgey, Bryan Back, Mike Brockman, Tom and Barbara Wagner, Brian Soverns, Tom Schmidt, Dennis Jones and Derek Simon. A big thank you to Tony and Susan Forns for their efforts to move these projects forward!

Thank you to our PTO for leading the EMS fundraiser! Our goal was 3k chances sold and we hit 2,648 (as of this printing). I think we will hit the goal before all is said and done – thank you to Susan Simmons for her extraordinary efforts! The money raised from this fundraiser will help support student technology and professional development for our teachers.

Danny Monaghan (8th grade teacher) Donna Jackel (K-5 Science teacher) and Dan Vowels will be recognized by the Archdiocese for their years of service in October. Danny 5 years, Donna 10 years and Dan 5 years. Fabulous teachers who are so deserving of recognition!

On another note, a parent recently requested time to meet with me as they are considering leaving Ascension. We met for over two hours having, what I felt was a very productive, conversation. The parents brought up their concerns surrounding too much time on iPad, concerns with parent resources to help their children with homework and a few other items. Following the meeting, I was able to speak to the faculty and followed-up with the parents to let them know iPad time in grades 3-5 is around 2 hours per week – much lower than what is published in our parent/student handbook. I want to ensure everyone we fully support a balanced approach to technology in classrooms. I did address the remaining issues as well.

Beyond those concerns they shared there is a general feeling of negativity in our community – a feeling not felt in over ten years. We discussed possible reasons as well as ideas for solutions. With that being said, I continue to invite anyone to discuss any issues you may be having in our community – I have always maintained an open-door policy for parents and students and want to ensure you all I will listen and to do what is best for our students.

I also would like to invite you all to a parent Q&A session:

– Grades K-2 on Monday, October 23rd at 6pm in the church.
– Grades 3-5 on Monday, October 30th at 6pm in the church.
– Grades 6-8 on Monday, November 13th at 6pm in the church.

These sessions might be a great opportunity to address concerns and/or dispel rumors. I welcome all parishioners as well. I will be sending more information via Lowdown and email about these sessions.

My hope is that we can all believe strongly enough in, what I feel is, the best community in the Archdiocese to overcome whatever issues we are feeling. This community has faced adversity in the past and through prayer, determination, spirit and togetherness, we persevered: It takes every one of us to keep this parish healthy. Every day I walk the halls, café, at recess and in classrooms; what I witness is a whole lot of happy students excited to be at school. They all have their bad days, and they do normal kid stuff, but in the end, I truly believe they love Ascension School! At times, I wonder if the issues we are having are more adult related than student? Ascension is amazing, just incredible! Please continue working hard to keep this parish vibrant, healthy and the talk of Louisville! I look forward to seeing you all at the parent Q&A sessions and thank you all for everything you do for our community!
Terrence Mullaney, Principal